The Best From Within is a motivational, animated, read-a-long for children. The story follows a young child named Charlie as he learns step by step how to be his very best and chase his dreams… whatever they may be!
After befriending a bee named ‘Bee’ (short for beelieve) Charlie is taught how to dream… big or small. The dream could be as grand as becoming an astronaut or professional athlete, or as simple as getting a better grade in school or making a new friend. That’s just the beginning…
Read-a-long with professional audio and animation as Charlie is taught by Bee how chase down his dream. Each chapter is a new element to achieve personal success. Chapters introduce advanced growth mindset BUT in an easy to understand kid-friendly way with kid-relatable explanations and examples. The chapters include the topics:
1 – Believe In Yourself
2 – Bring Your Dreams To Life
3 – Visualize
4 – Focusing
5 – Persistence
6 – Look At It From Another Angle
7 – Results
8 – Comfort Zone
9 – Set A Goal
10 – Trigger Word
11 – Chase Your Dreams!
The Best From Within is 20 minutes long, is fun, engaging, relatable and a must have for any child… even the parents might learn something new. Download it today on The App Store!
Recommended for children ages 4-11